Tuesday, September 28, 2010

It's almost October !

I can't believe it's almost October and September is almost gone.
After taking Japanese class for a month, I can clearly listen to some of the basic Japanese words and
I am getting excited.
I went to Yakitori and asked "といれは どこですか" and they answered "そこです。"
I was excited: ) hehe
Also I watched some of Japanese Movies and I could listen to many words.

I am curious if I could write in English for the comment as homework
Can I?

Monday, September 20, 2010


はしめまして!わたしは つくしです。ここは つくしの ぶろぐです。 つくしは わたしの にほんの まえです。わたしは ころんびあ だいがっくの がっくせいです。はたちです。にほんごは かわいです。わたしも かわいです。 
