I can't believe it's almost October and September is almost gone.
After taking Japanese class for a month, I can clearly listen to some of the basic Japanese words and
I am getting excited.
I went to Yakitori and asked "といれは どこですか" and they answered "そこです。"
I was excited: ) hehe
Also I watched some of Japanese Movies and I could listen to many words.
I am curious if I could write in English for the comment as homework
Can I?
I'm sure you can. I do all the time :) Even most of my posts are in English because we really haven't learned enough Japanese to convey a post beyond a few sentences.
ReplyDeleteHaha, good job つくしさん。 Nice to hear you're using the japanese we are learning now outside of class. I think that's the fastest way to learn a language ;)
ReplyDeletehaha, when I first tried to impress someone who knew japanese with my skillz, I ended up getting laughed at. I guess that's just what happens when you say something like ”わたしはばっかです。” without actually knowing what it means... (this happened awhile ago.)
ReplyDeletelol.I'm gonna use that line the next I have to go to the bathroom.
ReplyDelete1. 耐熱容器にタレの調味料をすべて入れて、ラップをして1分レンジにかける。(500W) 混ぜて、冷ましておく。
ReplyDelete2. ちくわを開く。 切り過ぎないように注意!
6. 天板にアルミホイルを敷き、切った方を下にして並べる。
7. 1のタレを1つずつかける。
8. こんがり色になるまで、トースターで2~3分焼く。
9. 冷めたら、お好みのピックに差し替えて、彩りにパセリを振って出来上がり♫ もちろん爪楊枝のままでも♫
cooking つきです。
すきやき、さしま、すし、てんぷら つきです。