Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Katakana Literary Work - mangaish


  1. Basically, I used three katakana words.
    I used トボトボ、ソーソーソー、フランス。
    ソーソーソー is a onomatopeia for the sound of wind.
    I used it to represent how the wind blows in autumn, also in the midst of the flowers that are still alive till autumn. I believe since this ソーソーソー physically looks like the stems of the flowers which are bent as the wind blows, the katakana words are perfect for this scene. This physical similarity enables the katakana words to be mixed into the scene.
    トボトボis also another onomatopoeia, representing the sound that one makes when one walks on the ground. Here, トボトボ is used as katakana in this case because of the more angularity that katakana presents. With more angularity, トボトボ presents more briskness of the walk. Also, this more vertical looking character can even look like people who are standing up, making them look like walking as well.
    Lastly, フランス is used for foreign word, a name of the country. This is for evocation of more foreign and exotic sense, needed for the character in the movie and also for expression of traveling foreign country.

  2. とても すごいですね!!!!
    とても きれいなきれいなしゃしんですね!!!

  3. I thought the pictures you used were wonderful and told the story very well. The colors all had a nice golden-orange-red tone to them, which I thought made it very aesthetically pleasing. The katakana sounds added depth to the pictures as well.

  4. Wow! Very creative and nice work!
    I can hear the tinkling of a wind-bell. haha.
    Good job sis..

  5. とても いい です! You are very artistic :)

  6. すごいですね。わたしはこのまんががとてもすきです。

  7. すごいですね!
    つくしのえはとてもきれいです。I like your choices in onomatopeia. they go really well with your awesome art :)

  8. とてもきれいなまんがです。The ソーソーソー really matches the wind and the blowing flowers. cool stuff

  9. わたしは あなたのえ が すきです。 Your びじゅつ is very good!

  10. このえはとてもおもしろいですね。I always like people who play with the idea of seasons.
